Priincz Fame: Interview With Small World LA

Priincz Fame: Interview With Small World LA

  • What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and when did you first realize you wanted to be a musician?

Music has always been a inspiration to me ever since a Jit! As a kid I always thought it was dope to make words rhyme. I remember feeling music at a very young age. I remember wanting to play the piano before I was get to do anything else. It’s always been something I loved ever since I could remember. Music is life!

  • What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an emerging artist, and how have you overcome them?

There’s going to be challenges in anything you want to pursue in life. As a musician one of the challenges I faced early on was not knowing how things would happen. I mainly do everything alone and it could get overwhelming at times, but how I overcome is by having Faith a vision in what I’m doing. I also realized it’s therapeutic for me.

  • Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound and style?

I have a lot of musical influences. I’m somebody who is a fan of good music no matter what the genre is. If it’s a vibe ima play it! Growing up on the West Coast I was introduced to Tupac, Snoop, 90s RnB Etc. Even southern Artist from T.I, Hot Boys, OutKast, Jay Z etc. They all play part in how I make music because I can draw or get inspired from what I grew up listening to because those memories will always be there.

  • How do you approach the songwriting process, and where do you draw inspiration from for your lyrics and melodies?

My songwriting process depends on how I’m feeling in the moment. I can hear a beat and it might make me want to take time and write, or I can be in the moment and just go on whatever Vibe I’m feeling and freestyle a song. I realized my Melodie’s are better when I freestyle rather than taking the time to write it out. Sometimes you have to hear a beat, hop in the booth and catch the melody/vibe right away and build off that.

  • What can listeners expect from your upcoming album or project, and how does it differ from your previous work?

My upcoming songs and projects will have a lot of grown and real potential. I feel as if my early work was me having fun and showing people I know how to construct a song or a verse. Now it’s time for Feelings, Honesty, more story telling, more venting, more of an idea of where I’m at in my life and where I’m going with it. I want to be known as a Real Artist, not a Rapper.

  • How has your background or life experiences influenced your music and artistic vision?

Anytime I’ve tried to be good at anything else other than music  it would eventually happen over a period of time, but with music it always been something that came naturally. Ever since a young age it was easy for me to write verses or freestyle. I could hear a song one or two times and remember the whole thing. I always seen myself doing this from a long time ago. I’m not surprised about it. I’m also a Empath/introvert so music helps me escape

  • Can you talk about a particularly memorable or inspiring performance you've had, and what made it special?

September 2021 on a rooftop downtown LA I performed 3 songs in front of a crowd where I didn’t know anybody but that made me more confident. By the second song the crowd was rocking with me and after the show people came up to me, asked me questions about my music a gave me compliments. It was confirmation for me in that moment knowing I could really pursue this.

  • What do you hope listeners take away from your music, and what message do you want to convey through your art?

What I would like listeners to take away from me and my music would be to be yourself! Have confidence in whatever you believe in. Don’t ever let someone’s judgement of you define who you are. People don’t have the vision I have or the confidence I do. If only y’all knew how many people don’t expect much from me it’s crazy. But at the end of the day I know what I’m capable of and I won’t let Nobody stop that!

  • How has the music industry changed since you first started, and how have you adapted to those changes as an artist?

The music industry has changed a lot over the years since I first fell in love with music. There was CD’s at first and now you have Streaming. Social media has really taken over the world and there’s a bigger opportunity for us as musicians to get our music heard now days. Also being a independent Artist nowadays could be a lot more beneficial than before. You just have to do your best at taking advantage of the opportunity it while it’s here. 

  • What advice would you give to other emerging artists who are just starting out in the industry?

Advice I would give to new artist who are just starting out would be know why your doing what your doing. If it’s just for money your going to loose focus in the long run because you can make money early on but if your not getting better at your craft your going to end up broke with a couple good songs and no career . Make sure your passionate, make sure you know the business of the music industry and also make sure you Register all your music before putting it out. Have a plan, network, and be consistent and be your own biggest fan. Only you can stop you! 

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