LoveMeRoommate: Interview With Small World LA

LoveMeRoommate: Interview With Small World LA

1. What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and when did you first
realize you wanted to be a musician? 
During the pandemic I faced a difficult state of detachment and music was
the only thing that allowed me to feel anything. As I felt the power of music
and saw its potential for helping others like it helped me, I realized I knew
which career I wanted to pursue.

2. What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an
emerging artist, and how have you overcome them?
The biggest challenge of my journey has come internally, from my
impractical chase for perfection. It is very overwhelming and frustrating
when things do not work out the way I believe they need to. I am trying to
remind myself that the best thing I can do is put my best effort and let the
universe provide the results, as I fully believe that we receive everything we
give. So I am still learning to accept things I can not change and focus on
what I can.

3. Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they
shaped your sound and style?
Growing up my parents introduced me to an extensive range of genres (in
english and in spanish) which has indirectly driven me to fall in love with the
musical elements of alternative hiphop/rap. The alternative aspect allows
me to pull from any genre without confinement to any style or stereotype .
Brockhampton has been a big influence (especially Kevin Abstract) and a
range of artists such as JID, Riz La Vie, Lord$ofdogtown, Smino, and Doja
Cat. They each have different aspects to their music that I find intriguing.

4. How do you approach the songwriting process, and where do you
draw inspiration from for your lyrics and melodies?
I usually write my songs before I hear their associated beats and approach
them like writing essays. Once I have the main idea and thesis, the rest
falls into place. I prefer to write in places closed off from distractions, such
as my car, but wherever I am I just pull inspiration from my current
emotions, situations, and experiences I want to share.

5. What can listeners expect from your upcoming album or project, and
how does it differ from your previous work?
As a heavy lyricist, listeners can always expect every word and line to have
purpose and intention. I do research on the topics of all my songs, so if you
dissect my songs keep an eye out for things you might have overlooked (or
heard). I am always searching for spots to place figurative language such
as metaphors, alliteration, symbolism, and double and sometimes triple

6. How has your background or life experiences influenced your music
and artistic vision?
I intertwine almost all of my experiences so that my music can genuinely be
felt. Everything is coming from the heart and I hope my music can evoke
emotion and questions for understanding their own feelings. My vision in
life (and in my music) is to continually become better than the person
(artist) I was yesterday.

7. Can you talk about a particularly memorable or inspiring performance
you've had, and what made it special?
My most memorable performance was when I pulled up to a corner on the
Las Vegas strip with a speaker, a mic, and the homies. It was a last minute
trip and I remember I was absolutely terrified but I committed to following it
through and it was one of the best decisions I have made. I had a lot of fun
and even went on instagram live to show my friends and family. The
bittersweet result was accidentally deleting the entire live session so the
performance only lives in my homies, in stranger’s, and my own memories.

8. What do you hope listeners take away from your music, and what
message do you want to convey through your art?
My goal is to evoke emotion and I consider a victory from every song by
engaging my listeners to feel something (anything at all). I hope my
vulnerability and internal questions about my feelings allow others to want
to do the same. Our feelings are valid and with practice can be understood
to reach an overall sense of emotional and social well-being.

9. How has the music industry changed since you first started, and how
have you adapted to those changes as an artist?
The music industry has changed in a way that benefits independent artists
like myself, which allows me to build my career at my own pace with my
own style. I am aware of the drawbacks I am going to face as an
independent artist, but I am fully invested in myself and up for any
challenge. I am fully confident in my music and ability to overcome anything
and in this digital age, there are so many technological advancements,
resources, and tools that are available to build my success. LaRussel is my
biggest influence for pursuing an independent career and I plan to follow in
his footsteps.

10. What advice would you give to other emerging artists who are just
starting out in the industry?
The only people who do not find success are the ones who give up.

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