Dee Chiefin: Interview With Small World LA

Dee Chiefin: Interview With Small World LA

  • What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and when did you first realize you wanted to be a musician?
Since a kid I always liked the sound of music from the beat down to the lyrics, every time I heard a song I considered a HIT I would wish that I had that creativity to write that HIT song, ever since I could remember I've always wanted to be a musician.
  • What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an emerging artist, and how have you overcome them?
One of my biggest challenges as an artist would be stepping out of my comfort zone. I know I have what it takes but by being an introvert I'm more to myself and that's what I'm trying to get out of. It's still a challenge I'm trying to overcome but I'm starting to get in front of the camera a little bit more and doing things like this so I'm making progress forsure.
  • Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound and style?
Nipsey, Drakeo, Roddy Ricch, & Youngboy are my biggest influences. Nip inspire me to be true to who I am and speak my truth in my music, understanding music is powerful so I push positive energy in my music. Drakeo inspire the sound of my music like the beats you hear. Roddy inspire me to never be afraid to sound different so I kinda aim for my songs to sound a lil different from each other from time to time. Youngboy inspire the way I say my lines, I noticed it's not about what you say but the way you say it can stand out in the song and inspire the listener to like the song even more. 
  • How do you approach the songwriting process, and where do you draw inspiration from for your lyrics and melodies?
I let the songwriting process come naturally. When I'm in the mood I'll play beats and feel them out. Depending on how I'm feeling when I hear the beat, will determine the direction I'ma take. I draw inspiration from life experiences and from some of the songs I hear. 
  • What can listeners expect from your upcoming album or project, and how does it differ from your previous work?
 I'm going to be dropping singles all year so listeners can expect to hear ALL bangers from me. The next single I'm getting ready to drop in March is a fun track mixed with me speaking my mind a little more. My most recent release "Wanna Rock" was me putting my own twist to what people know as Snoop Dogg's song "I wanna rock"
  • How has your background or life experiences influenced your music and artistic vision?
My experiences all molded me into who I am today and is the reason why I think the way I do. Without those experiences I don't think I would able to put songs together the way I do. 
  • Can you talk about a particularly memorable or inspiring performance you've had, and what made it special?
I haven't had an actual performance in front of an audience I don't know but in January my boy had his homie come to the barbershop with his bumpbox and mic and they let me do my thing. While I was rapping I noticed everybody enjoying my music, they was dancing,nodding their heads, paying attention to me and I even overheard conversations about how good my music was. At the end of the night everybody showed hella love and support, that made me feel like somebody and gave me more confidence in what I'm doing.
  • What do you hope listeners take away from your music, and what message do you want to convey through your art?
I want listeners to understand your mindset is your reality and to build a relationship with a higher power. The message I want to convey is for my listeners to be themselves, learn how to vibrate at a higher energy, do what you want to in life and don't let others opinions get in the way. 
  • How has the music industry changed since you first started, and how have you adapted to those changes as an artist?
 I just started dropping music seriously a few months ago. It may or may not sound bad but I'm not really paying attention to how the industry is changing or others before me because I feel like I'll lose track with what I'm doing and start to compare my career to somebody elses. I kinda just do my own thing, gain information and figure out ways to apply it and get exposure. At the end of the day it's all about finding your own audience, so I figure once you have that you don't really need to worry about changes in the industry because your audience rock with you for you. Plus if your music is growing you attract different audiences 
  • What advice would you give to other emerging artists who are just starting out in the industry?


 My advice to other emerging artist would be don't be afraid to authentic to who you are
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