Carlito Black: Interview With Small World LA

Carlito Black: Interview With Small World LA

  • What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and when did you first realize you wanted to be a musician?
My love for music is also my inspiration. Music has become my therapy allowing me to ease my mind of so many thoughts and to speak on things that trouble me with no judgement. I can say I honestly always wanted to be a musician from the from time I found out I could create music.
  • What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as an emerging artist, and how have you overcome them?
 I would say the biggest challenge would have to be the gimmicks and social media. If you don't have a solid foundation and good head on your shoulders it's easy to fall victim to the drama and negativity that's out there. I overcome it all by remaining me cause when everything is all said and done I want anybody that is a fan or supporter of my music and movement to be able to say he stayed true to his self.
  • Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound and style?
 Biggie, 2pac, Eminem, 50 cent, etc. the list really goes on any rap artist that makes powerful music and shows diversity in their music is a influence to me. But to be honest my sound and style is something I created I never wanted to give anybody the opportunity to box me in when it came to the music I create. I want the world to know I can do it all.
  • How do you approach the songwriting process, and where do you draw inspiration from for your lyrics and melodies?
 My song writing process is quite simple. It first depends on what state of mind I'm in and then it depends on the beat. Once I have the right beat I let it guide me and everything else happens easy.
  • What can listeners expect from your upcoming album or project, and how does it differ from your previous work?
 They definitely can expect more of the music that made them become fans of me as a artist I'm the first place only thing is it will be a level up from what they have already heard. I make it a goal to make any and every project I create better than the last I never settle and refuse to be content.
  • How has your background or life experiences influenced your music and artistic vision?
My life and my background has influenced my music 100 percent. My music comes from things I saw, things I done, and things I went through in life so honestly most if not all my music comes from something I experienced in life.
  • Can you talk about a particularly memorable or inspiring performance you've had, and what made it special?
 My most memorable performance I would have to say is when I opened for Don Q, Jay Critch, Funk Flex, and a few other big names. The love I received that day inspired and motivated me so much cause it was like a sign from God that this music thing is exactly what I'm post to be doing.
  • What do you hope listeners take away from your music, and what message do you want to convey through your art?
 I hope my music provides a sense of hope for anyone that listens. I become very vulnerable in my music when talking about my past trauma or my mental health and for those listening who can relate I just want them to know you don't have to be afraid cause your not alone. I want my music to inspire people to let them know no matter what you come from do not let it stop you from being great.
  • How has the music industry changed since you first started, and how have you adapted to those changes as an artist?
It's has changed a lot due to the internet and the different types of music that's out there now. I feel the respect that use to be there for artist that paved the way is not as strong as it use to be. Plus the business side of things seems alot more complicated than usual. I honestly adapt to it all by remaining hungry but humble and absorbing any knowledge I can when it comes to the business as a whole.
  • What advice would you give to other emerging artists who are just starting out in the industry?
If I could give any upcoming artist advice it would be stay hungry, stay focused, stay consistent, and mentally prepare yourself for what comes with being in this business cause it's not for the weak. Don't allow anyone to tell you what you can't do and don't wait for no one to support you be your own support system.
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